Health & Fitness

5 Treatment Options to Consider for Your Flat Feet

Flat Feet

Flat feet occur when the arch that supports your foot partially or completely collapses or doesn’t develop during childhood. In most cases, you don’t have to fix flatfeet as it is painless. However, in some cases, they can cause other problems and pain. When flat feet begin to cause symptoms, it might include; pain in your ankle, foot, or heel, trouble standing on the ball of your foot, fatigue in your ankle or foot, and difficulty jumping, jumping, or running. Sometimes, flat feet can cause hip, knee, or back pain. Fortunately, if you have flat feet The Woodlands and they are starting to trouble you, some things can help improve your flat feet. Here is a look at five treatment options for flat feet.

Exercises and physical therapy

Exercises have been proven effective in strengthening your foot, ankle, and calf muscles. It is also recommendable to engage in exercises that stretch your Achilles tendon. Physical therapy can also help you learn the workout exercises and do the exercises safely. There are effective exercises that help equalize your weight distribution and remedy flat foot issues.


It is a perfect idea to find shoes that offer good arch support. Find shoes that will help stabilize your foot, such as flip-flops. Wearing the right type of shoes is important for individuals with flat feet.


Also known as orthotic, this device is designed to enhance motion or assist biomechanical problems. In the case of the flat foot, the orthotic might include an ankle or foot orthosis. These devices help support the arch, improving the foot’s motion and relieving discomfort. Shoe orthoses can either be custom-made or premade. It is okay, to begin with, pre-made orthoses as they are less costly. However, foot specialists recommend custom-made orthosis for more severe cases of flatfoot.


Rest can help your foot and particularly the posterior tibialis tendon, to improve. Your doctor might recommend cutting back on certain activities for weeks or wearing a boot. If you get on boots, be gentle with yourself when returning from the boot. Do your stretches as you ease back into activities. You may be advised to use orthosis after your rest period.


If other treatments don’t relieve the pain related to your flat feet, your doctor can recommend several surgical options. The type of surgery will depend on how flat your feet are and your bone’s alignment according to imaging tests. Surgery often involves realigning the bones and moving the ligaments and tendons. It normally needs a long recovery period while staying off your feet.

At times, flat feet can cause much-underserved pain. However, good arch support with orthoses and shoes is often recommended, as well as exercises to control the condition. Based on your condition’s severity, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid injections, or surgery might be a good option. Rigid flatfoot might not get better without surgery. If not treated, your flat feet can worsen, causing more pain and impaired function. It is a good idea to consult with your doctor if your flat feet are causing you trouble. Your health provider will customize your treatment based on your severely collapsed arches.

Hannah Bridges
My name is Hannah Bridges. I'm the content manager and a proofreader on this website. I was born in California and attended the University of California.

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