Dental Care

Root Canal Treatment And Retreatment

Root Canal

Dental caries is a prevalent chronic infectious disease caused by cariogenic microorganisms metabolizing sugar to produce acids. These acids demineralize the hard tissues of your teeth (enamel and dentin), and may also spread deeper to the roots involving the pulp (the innermost part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels). A root canal is the most preferred choice of treatment for caries involving the pulp.

The root canal Bellevue dental specialists are well equipped to evaluate your tooth through 3D imaging to perform a root canal to restore its health.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a common dental procedure to remove inflamed or infected tissues from the interior of your tooth (pulp). The canal is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, filled, and sealed.

Root canal therapies are intended to clean out the infected root canal, stop the tooth from becoming reinjected, and preserve any remaining healthy tooth tissue.

Why is a root canal recommended?

Root canals are recommended when caries spread deeper into the tooth layers involving the pulp. Your tooth may also get infected due to trauma that may lead to cracks or chipping. Symptoms that require root canals are:

  • Hypersensitivity to extreme temperatures or sweet taste
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Chronic pain
  • Tooth abscess
  • Pimples on your gums
  • Swollen and bleeding gums

If the infected tooth is left untreated, there is an increased risk that you may lose the tooth completely. Furthermore, the infection can spread to the gums and the underlying bone.

How is a root canal performed?

Usually, root canals require two dental visits which include:

  • First Visit
    • Your dental specialist will take a 3-D scan of the infected tooth and its root.
    • The area around the tooth will be numbed to reduce discomfort.
    • Your dentist will drill a hole into your tooth and remove the inflamed nerve.
    • The inner chamber of the canal will be cleansed, and sealed with a durable filling material.
  • Second visit
    • Your dentist will prepare the tooth for crown placement, and take measurements for proper fit.
    • Placing a crown to protect the tooth and prevent breakage or chipping is important.

What do you mean by root canal retreatment?

If pain and discomfort persist even after a root canal, your dentist may remove the crown, and the filling material to reopen the canal.

The canal is cleansed and the infected tissue is removed before resealing the tooth, and a new crown is placed.


Root canal treatments are standard procedures that eliminate the infected pulp tissues and seal them with an appropriate filling material. This procedure aims to restore the health and function of the tooth.

Hannah Bridges
My name is Hannah Bridges. I'm the content manager and a proofreader on this website. I was born in California and attended the University of California.

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