Health News

Can Vaping Help You Quit Smoking


Quit Smoking

Let’s face it, quitting cigarettes is an extremely difficult thing to do. Only recently have medical professionals acknowledged the benefits of using devices such as electronic cigarettes to help smokers kick the habit. The old consensus was to completely quit without the aid of any support or device. But, people now understand that it is easier to gradually wean yourself off rather than to stop abruptly.

Treatment Options

A few decades ago, if you wanted to quit smoking there was virtually no other option but to give up without any assistance. Fortunately, times have changed and there are now several ways to quit smoking, including using devices such as electronic cigarettes.

There are plenty of first-class online sites such as Vapeking Australia and that provide quality kits for smokers who are trying to quit by using electronic cigarettes as an aid. They have become hugely popular amongst the smoking community as a way to help you quit traditional cigarettes, surveys suggest that electronic cigarettes are fast become the number one treatment option of choice for Australians trying to break their addiction to nicotine.


One of the reasons why smokers turn to vaping to help them quit is because the whole process of smoking an e cigarette is similar to what their body is already accustom to. Once smokers get used to holding an electronic device, rather than a cigarette, they have no issues using them. Many smokers agree that the overall effect you experience when inhaling and exhaling on the device is akin to smoking a cigarette. This is why vaping has become so popular as a treatment option for individuals trying to quit.

Nicotine Control

Another benefit of using an e cig is that you can control the amount of nicotine that goes into your cartridge. Unlike a traditional cigarette, e cigs have varying levels of nicotine, which gives you the option of beginning with something high, gradually moving down to a cartridge which contains very little or zero nicotine. This control is what makes smokers feel like they are in charge of their own therapy, they still go through the process of inhaling and exhaling, but the device they use has considering less chemicals than a cigarette.

No Professional Help

Several studies carried out by Cancer Research Foundations have found that over 50% of people who are trying to give up smoking without professional help succeed when they use electronic cigarettes as their treatment of choice. They are safer than cigarettes because they don’t contain as much harmful chemicals, they also contain e liquids which are designed to mimic specific brand flavours, making it even easier to switch over to an electronic alternative.

There is no doubt that vaping is an excellent alternative to smoking, it helps individuals to quit without the aid of professional help and more importantly, they can control the amount of nicotine they put into their bodies. The whole process of inhaling and exhaling on a device similar to a cigarette makes it a lot easier for smokers to quit using this method as opposed to others on the market.

Hannah Bridges
My name is Hannah Bridges. I'm the content manager and a proofreader on this website. I was born in California and attended the University of California.

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